Reading Time: 4 minutes



Currently, I am completely healthy, but it hasn’t always been this way. I struggled for nearly 10 years, dealing with everything from an eating disorder to PCOS symptoms. Later, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, and more recently, ADHD. These experiences have shown me firsthand how harmful restrictive diets, “miracle” juice detoxes, and diet culture can be—both physically and mentally. That’s why I’m passionate about helping women understand that the key to lasting health isn’t a quick fix, but developing healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits that can sustain them for a lifetime, not just for the summer!


I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist (CMA – The Complementary Medical Association) and Certified Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor (Lifestyle Fitness). Over the past five years, I’ve dedicated myself to studying nutrition (earning my BSc in Nutrition – at Middlesex University ), taking numerous courses, and reading extensively so I can help women who face the same challenges I once did. I also managed my health journey, so I know firsthand how to navigate and overcome these obstacles. I gained valuable experience working at University College London Hospital, where I was able to apply all that I had learned in a practical setting. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a message at the bottom of the page—I look forward to connecting with you! 😉



Please E-mail me first

(Just find the ‘first consultation’ / monthly plan and press ‘book your consultation)


Once you complete the payment, you’ll receive a questionnaire through my software, and I’ll add you as a client. You’ll then be able to check and manage your appointments and more.


 It’s time for the 1st consultation!

I will remind you the day before 😉


After 1st Consultations

We will stay in constant communication, and I will do everything I can to support you.


After the First Week

I will analyze your steps and support you all the time when you need it 🙂


Every other Week/Month

We going to fight together to achieve your goals and your success (My clients have special contact with me through my nutrition app)

Stay Consistent

We all have those times when we slip up on our plans: the Friday night party, a Sunday pizza, grabbing chocolate before our period or out of boredom, finishing the kids’ leftovers, or snacking in front of the TV. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there at least once. Life throws us curveballs that make it tough to stick to our new goals!

But the great thing is, we are creatures of habit. This means while habits can be hard to break, it’s not impossible—it just takes time and effort. And trust me, it’s totally worth it! 😉

Recognizing your moments of temptation is one of the best ways to stay consistent with your diet and lifestyle. If you know when you’re likely to feel tempted, you can plan ahead to handle it better.

And that’s where I come in—to guide you and keep you on track during this incredible journey!

100% satisfaction guarantee, when you don’t see any results after 2 month of working with me , I will give you back 100% of your money.

Give me few days to prepare everything just for you

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


As a nutritional therapist, I use the innovative Alloweat software to provide my clients with a personalized and effective approach to health and wellness. Alloweat is a revolutionary tool that streamlines the entire process of creating and managing customized diet plans. With Alloweat, I can tailor meal plans to fit your unique nutritional needs, preferences, and health goals, ensuring a balanced and sustainable approach to eating.

One of the key benefits of Alloweat is its comprehensive app, exclusively available to my clients. Within the app, you’ll find everything you need to succeed on your health journey: all your personalized diet plans, a secure chat feature for ongoing support and guidance, and easy access to schedule or adjust appointments. This all-in-one platform makes it easier than ever to stay on track and stay connected, offering convenience and support right at your fingertips.

By choosing my services, you’re not just getting a diet plan—you’re gaining access to a revolutionary tool that simplifies and enhances your journey to better health. Download the app today and experience the benefits of Alloweat for yourself!

You Can’t Punish Yourself For Your Weak Moments

I adjust the diet to your taste preferences, lifestyle, and culinary skills. I am a foodie and I know how important a delicious diet is in the process of losing weight! I can listen and suggest solutions that will suit your lifestyle. Don’t you have time to cook? I will offer you simple (but delicious) meals that you will prepare for 2-3 days. Do you have a lot of time and love to play in the kitchen? I will propose to you interesting meals from products you love.

I support the process of changing your lifestyle. During the conversation and e-mail contact, I am supporting in the process. It is good to have a person you can rely on. I am available in the moment of doubt and loss of motivation in my own abilities.

I control the progress. Every week you will get an email with your achievements of the past 7 days. I analyze the progress and help you continue to achieve results by using Nutritics software to help me with your progress.

Expert Nutritionist for PCOS, Endometriosis, and More

As a dedicated Nutritional Therapist, I specialize in supporting individuals with PCOS, endometriosis, insulin resistance, diabetes, Hashimoto, and thyroid imbalances. My approach combines personalized nutrition with holistic care, tailored to meet your unique needs and promote your overall well-being. To ensure that each client receives the support and attention they deserve, I limit my practice to no more than 20 spaces per month. This allows me to provide focused, high-quality care and dedicated time for each individual.


Hear what my clients have to say
about their experiences working with me:

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I was skeptical at first, but Angela’s expertise in managing PCOS through diet is unmatched. I’ve lost 25 pounds and feel better than ever

Loren Gomes
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Thanks to Angela, my diabetes is under control. Her nutritional advice was tailored to my needs, and it worked wonders.

Patricia Clark
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Angela helped me balance my glucose levels and lose 15 pounds. Her plan was realistic, and she provided the support I needed to stick with i

Anna Stelova
Reading Time: < 1 minute

I can’t believe how much she helped with my endometriosis. Her diet plan reduced my pain and inflammation dramatically. She truly understands the female body. Nutritional guidance helped me shed 10 pounds and finally get a handle on my PCOS symptoms. She’s knowledgeable, compassionate, and incredibly supportive.”

Nicole King
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Struggling with weight due to thyroid issues was frustrating, but Angela’s guidance made all the difference. I’ve lost 13 pounds, and I finally feel like myself again

Molly Foster
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Angela’s approach to managing my diabetes through nutrition was a revelation. She simplified everything, and my blood sugar is stable for the first time in years. Highly recommend her services

Rachel Martin
Marketing Manager
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Dealing with thyroid issues has always made weight loss a nightmare. Angela’s expertise made all the difference. I’ve lost 25 pounds, and my energy levels have never been better!

Emily Roberts
Fitness Instructor
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Thanks to Angela, I’ve lost 15 pounds and finally feel in control of my weight. Her guidance on balancing my glucose levels has been life-changing. I’m so much happier and healthier now!

Daniel Jenkins
Software Developer
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Angela is a godsend! After years of battling endometriosis, her nutritional advice reduced my symptoms significantly. I feel like I have my life back, and I’m forever grateful!

Megan Davis
School Teacher
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Angela completely transformed my approach to food. Struggling with PCOS, I had tried every diet with no success. Angela’s personalized plan helped me lose 20 pounds and feel more energized than ever! 

Jessica Thompson
Graphic Designer


1x Online Consultation
  • Here's what you can expect from an online consultation with a nutritional therapist:
  • *Personalized Nutrition Plan: Tailored to your specific health goals, dietary preferences, and lifestyle.
  • *Comprehensive Health Assessment: In-depth analysis of your current health status, including diet, lifestyle, and medical history.
  • *Goal Setting: Collaborative discussion to set achievable health and nutrition goals.
  • *Meal Planning: Customized meal plans with recipes and shopping lists to make healthy eating easy.
  • *Supplement Recommendations: Guidance on any necessary supplements to support your health.
  • *Ongoing Support: Regular follow-ups and access to your nutritional therapist for questions and adjustments (when you become a regular)
  • *Educational Resources: Access to valuable resources and tips to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • *Accountability and Motivation: Encouragement and support to keep you on track with your health journey.

Start your journey to a healthier you by signing up

Basic Month Plan
$250per month
  • * 1x 60 minutes online consultation
  • * 1 week personalized Diet Plan in PDF + Shopping List
  • * weekly reports
  • * support and chat with me via my bussiness email.
Premium Month Plan
$350per month
  • * 1/2x 60 minutes online consultation (one in 2-4 weeks, depends on needs)
  • * 2 weeks personalized diet plan available in app with pictures & PDF + Shopping List
  • * weekly reports and checks
  • * support and chat with me via app only for my clients (one app for diet plan, chat, shopping list and appointments)
  • *Action steps for next 4 weeks
  • *Basic work-out plan if needed
Max Advanced Month Plan
$499per month
  • *1/2x 60 minutes online consultation (one in 2-4 weeks, depends on needs)
  • * 2 weeks personalized diet plan available in app with pictures & PDF + Shopping List
  • * weekly reports and checks
  • * support and chat with me via app only for my clients.
  • * Full Support as a Certified Personal Trainer, from the educational side of exercise and activity plus premium work-out plan and step action to achieve fitness and nutritional goals.